
Monday, March 23, 2009


There really is "no place like home" :) I got to go home for spring break ... maybe my last spring break ever! I really do enjoy going home. I got to ...
go camping with the most amazing gals EVER!!
stare at the millions of luminous stars above
watch Mary Tyler Moore (I am proud... I am woman)
paint Grammar's fingernails
play a few rounds of 42 with my family
eat like a bear
sleep like a baby in the pitch black dark!
read with my family in the Grammar and Gramper's living room :)
sing a broadway musial song (Oh What a beautiful mornin) with my Gramper
smell skunk spray ... after my Grandaddy shot at it several times with a 22
love my family

Saturday, March 07, 2009


As I was listening to "Smoke in our lights" from the Avett brothers live album, specifically to the line "no cops around" in the car on the way to Goldthwaite, I passed a cop car. I passed a cop car going about 80 mills an hour in a 70...

He quickly turn on his lights... which there was no smoke anywhere around... I saw them blaring red, blud, and white very clearly...

I got a bit sweaty. I pulled all the way over to the side of the road and reached for my license and insurance. As he slowly walked to my passenger side window, I was prepared for the worst.


I went slow like a scared turtle the rest of the way home, happy to have only received a warning. I don't care if you get there before me hare... I would like to keep my $200. I like to mosey.