Sunday, July 15, 2007

does a body good

It's time to eat. The air feels cooler now that the sun is gone for the night. mmmmm... I am so hungry....It is eaiser to see the cars now that they have lights. I know that I should not fly towards the lights, but something in my body draws me to a cow to hay...only cows get fatter by eating hay, and I only get brutally splattered chasing forbiden lights. Ok... no lights. I could go to the pool to get some supper. There must be one without skin that tastes like death. I tasted death once on the 4th of July. I was trying to eat when I came across a smell that made my body freeze. It paralyzed me for an instant... but only an instant. I forced myself to remember the smell in case I should come across it again. My nose has saved my life many times. It can smell death before my tounge can taste it. Oh... there's a glowing bug. Sometimes I wish I could glow... glowing bugs are just so beautiful. Also, people don't kill them. People LOVE glow bugs. People don't kill things they love...(they catch them, put them in a jar and slowly sufficate them). At least I will have a quick painless deaths. One quick slap and I am smeared all over a hand...or the wall... or the windshield...if you can slap it... i'm there. Oh... wait... there's a jogger on the path. She's a slow one... good... I'll catch up to her and take a drink. She will not even notice. The air is still around her head. I am approaching the target's face now. Oh.. wait... I think I'm getting too close to her nose... must turn back... the suction is too strong... can't turn back...too late. Oh... back of the throat. I was caught by the uvula. Fly Marsha fly (that's my name by the way... Marsha) now is your chance! Oh no... here comes the swallow. ooh... down to the stomach. Now it will be only a matter of time before the stomach acids eat me away. I want to be slapped...someone slap me.

I was running yesterday, and I was thinking about running in College Station at night in Wold Pen Creek. There are many lights there on the trail, so lots bugs hang out on the trial. I would usually eat at least one bug everytime I went running on that particular trail at night. I was thinking how nice it was not to eat bugs anymore. Like 9 seconds after that thought, a but (probablly a misquito flew in my mouth.) I knew it was too far back to spit out... so I just swallowed it..yumm. Then I though about how weird and shocking it would be to be swallowed.


Blogger robin said...

ha. you said a butt flew in your mouth.

all these bugalicious nights of running at wolf pen creek found you running WITH A FRIEND, right? b/c if not, you're in big trouble mister.
you knooow that's where all the bad guys live.

i think it would be awful to be swallowed. i wonder if it's loud in there.

i'm glad you're not a mosquito. but if you were i would let you live on my ear.
and i would never get close to those crazy bug zappers.

2:39 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

haha... I did say butt. I guess I should proof read... but then, maybe not because I would not have laughed my head off when I read your comment. It's hard to write this comment without a head. Good thing I memorized where all the keys were in the 6th grade. I am also glad that I am not typing any numbers. I didn't memorize where they were on the keyboad.

1:05 AM  
Blogger Kat said...

Thanks for letting me live on your ear if I were a bug... and thanks for not going near a bug zapper.

1:05 AM  
Blogger steph-a-ronie said...

a butt flew in your mouth... ah hahahaha.

I ate one of your little friends out on the track the other day. It made me think of you :)

2:42 PM  
Blogger steph-a-ronie said...

write again, por favor.

si, amiga, gusta chili con queso. Tamales e sombreos.

1:42 PM  
Blogger tamara said...

you should write more...yes yes you should

7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.

3:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha. you are .. words cannot describe.. or mine can't as well as yours can... i'm adding a snipit of what you said about glow bugs to my favorite quotes because you are one of my favorite people. top 10.

1:38 AM  

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