ear growths
nice title right haha... well I am taking audiology...which i should be studying right now...but i wanted to write. I haven't written in a while...busy busy busy... but never too busy to live life I hope. On the bus today I was waiting for it to take off from the bus stop when I caught myself watching other people as they got on the bus. When people first got on, they would find a seat preferiably not directly next to another rider. There were about 6 people on the bus. 2 people started talking on their cell phones, and 2 people pulled out their ipods and detatched themselves from the small inner body of the bus. With growths from their ears, their life was a little less uncomfortable yet a little more isolated. Just say no to ipods and cell phones on the bus (especially if you are going to talk at 60 db... shouting and laughing so loud that it makes my cochlea vibrate violently) Music is great but people are better!