As I was listening to "Smoke in our lights" from the Avett brothers live album, specifically to the line "no cops around" in the car on the way to Goldthwaite, I passed a cop car. I passed a cop car going about 80 mills an hour in a 70...
He quickly turn on his lights... which there was no smoke anywhere around... I saw them blaring red, blud, and white very clearly...
I got a bit sweaty. I pulled all the way over to the side of the road and reached for my license and insurance. As he slowly walked to my passenger side window, I was prepared for the worst.
I went slow like a scared turtle the rest of the way home, happy to have only received a warning. I don't care if you get there before me hare... I would like to keep my $200. I like to mosey.
sloooow down sister.
wahoooooo! you posted, kat m. :)
i like it when you post.
warning, nice.
is the way to go.
hi, it's me again.
i like leaving comments.
will someone reading this please lean out the window and yell hello to walter for me?
yell really loud so he can hear you, okay? :)
i miss that ol' fella.
"saw them blaring red, blud, and white very clearly..."
ooooooh, KatMaHa... i can see it... visual :)
more please
I didn't know you had a blog! How did I not know this??!?!?!
I'm stalking you now. ;)
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